
Home / Equestrian

Balonne Steel & Rural Supplies have the widest range of equine products in town. We stock over 25 different horse feeds as well as Peter William Jodpurs & Shirts, childrens riding boots, saddlecloths, reigns and grooming products . If we don’t stock a product we will always do our best to try and source a specifc product for our customer.

Looking for a horse worming product? Look no further, over six worming products in store. These include Ultra Max Equine, Equimec, Virbacs Strategy T and Eraquell pellets, and Genisis Equine.

Big head is particularly prevelent in South West Qld which is why we continually stock the Olsenns Calcium block range. We also carry Brute, Shield, Yellow Lotion, Apple Cider Vinegar, Founder Guard, Stockholm Tar, Neats Foot Oil and bandages for all your general care requirements.

​For all things equine, look no further, we stock the largest range of horse feed and riding apparel in town.  From riding helmets, jodpurhs and boots to horse rugs, supplements and fence feeders. Check out our facebook page for specials and updates.

Our products include:

  • Mitavite: Xtra Cool, Breeda, Bio Mare Cubes , Gumnuts, Promita
  • Riverina: Roasted Barley Flakes, Weight lifter, cool action pellets
  • Hygain: Showtorque
  • Prydes: Easyfeed Old Timer, Easi Result
  • Coprice: Cool Conditioner and  Veteran
  • Olsenns: Calcium plus lick blocks available in 16kg, 20 kg and 40 kg
  • Manuak: Lucern and oaten chaff
  • Barastoc: Cool Action pellets
  • Maxisoy